Eye Allergies and Contact Lenses

Have you had to take out your contact lenses because of discomfort from allergies? I’ve been there. You may think that your eye allergies prevent you from being able to wear contact lenses, but the fact is you still can. I’m one of an estimated 40 million Americans who wear contact lenses. There have been […]

Dealing With Eye Allergies

I hope you had the opportunity to experience the wonderful warm weather we’ve had in Indiana this week. 70 degrees in March? I can hardly believe it. Unfortunately the warm weather can also bring seasonal allergies. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, of the 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies, four […]

Makeup For Your Frames

Sometimes I feel like I have to decide between wearing cute eye makeup for the day, or my cute glasses frames. I feel like wearing both will be a waste of time because you won’t be able to see the eye makeup that I have on.  And on the other hand, I am afraid it […]

Take the Eyesight Quiz

Does sitting too close to the TV actually harm your vision? The lack of what vitamin can cause problems with night vision? What causes cataracts? These are topics covered in the Eyesight Quiz from Better Medicine. Find out how your habits affect your eyesight and discover more about eye diseases and their symptoms. Click here […]

5 Tips for Contact Lens Care

Understanding how to care for your contact lenses is essential to your eye health. There are various kinds of contact lenses and several different types of solutions, but the same general care guidelines apply. Here are five tips from your Indiana eye doctor for proper contact lens care: Always wash your hands with warm water […]

Do Carrots Actually Improve Vision?

Ever since grade school, you’ve probably been told to eat carrots to improve your vision. But is there any truth behind this? Or were your parents just trying to get you to eat vegetables? Well, it depends who you ask. Carrots contain a nutrient known as beta-carotene, which is a vital nutrient in maintaining good […]

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