Men vs. Women: The Battle for Better Vision

Well, scientists have proven that men and women see the world differently (like we needed scientists to let us know that one). But really, men and women have different sensitivities in their vision. Researchers from the Brooklyn and hunter Colleges of the City University of New York found that men are more sensitive to rapid […]


I am one of the unfortunate 20% of the population that suffers from seasonal allergies. And when I say suffer, I mean suffer. Every spring and fall, I arm myself with Zyrtec, eye drops, and tissues to prepare for the war on my sinuses.  Sometimes my eyes water so badly people ask, “Why are you […]

Go Eco-Geek!

Dr Tavel is Going Green! We are proud to debut our new frame line, Go Green. Go Green is made from 100% recycled materials. As a company, Dr Tavel is taking strides to reduce our ecological footprint on Indiana. By requesting email addresses, we are making advances towards going paperless. Additionally, our billing department is […]

Cool Glasses Make for Cool Kids

Buying glasses for your child can be a colossal hassle. There are a ton of options for kids, but what is the right choice? Really, the options are almost infinite. Ultimately, it comes down to two issues: What is your child willing to wear? What will be durable enough to withstand sports, rough-housing, and general […]

Everlasting Evolun!

It’s amazing what changing your glasses can do. Glasses can give you a new personality: fun, geeky, trendy, sexy, or intelligent. Evolun Frames can make you be anything you want with just one pair. Interchangeable temples customize the frames to suit your style, attitude, or just your mood.{{{image-2596}}} Evolun Frames provide you with two interchangeable […]

Geek Chic Part 2: How To Wear Geek Chic

  Wearing Geek Chic isn’t always the easiest thing to pull off – it requires commitment! The key to making Geek Eyewear work for you is consistency; adopt the frames as a part of your signature look. Geek chic glasses are a great way to spice your everyday look up – as long as you […]

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