Make Vision a Priority in 2013

Looking for a New Year’s resolution? How about improving your eye health? The gift of sight is a terrible thing to waste. Here are some ideas to improve your eye health in 2013! Eat Smart – You’d be surprised how far fruits and veggies can go to help your eyes. Get Moving – More physical […]

Is 3D dangerous?

So you are looking over your child’s Christmas list and it is full of video games and movies. The normal concern would be childhood obesity, but what about vision development? Nintendo DS, a handheld gaming system, upgraded to include 3D graphics without the need for 3D glasses. Most parents might not think anything of this, […]

Vision Sun Damage Can be Stopped!

Unless you have been living under a rock, you probably know that Anderson Cooper went blind last week after spending a few hours out on the water in Portugal when his eyes became sunburned. Granted, he was only without his sight for 36 hours. How does this happen? According to Cooper, it was overcast that […]

Saving Sight, One Glaucoma Patient at a Time

“The Dr. at the Greenwood [Dr. Tavel] office is wonderful. I believe he saved my husband’s eyesight by urging him to be tested further for Glaucoma even though the signs were slight. Best. Advise. Ever. The Glaucoma turned out to be much more advanced than it appeared. If the Greenwood staff hadn’t been as good […]

Buying for Your Child’s Eyes

Let the Christmas shopping begin!! Black Friday is upon us and everyone has their lists started! When you start to buy your presents for kids this season, think about what toys will further develop skills and their eyes. Every activity your child participates in from birth to age six develops their vision further in some […]

Wake Up and Avoid Eye Infections!

Come on ladies, own up, we all do it – not washing your make-up off before bed. Sometimes your bed is just too inviting, and the water will just be too cold on your face. So, you skip it and jump right into bed. Little did you know that the consequences are deeper than the […]

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