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The Perks of Being Colorblind | Types of Colorblindness

close up of eye with rainbow multicolored iris

What does it mean to be colorblind? Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) is the inability to distinguish between different shades of color, or in extreme cases see colors at all. As much as 12% of the male population is colorblind, whereas only 0.4% of the female population struggles with seeing color.  Why? The deficiency is carried […]

Watery Eyes in the Winter

I don’t know about most people, but my eyes water if it is below 40 degrees outside, or if there is a slight breeze. A lot of people asking me, “Why are you crying?” Good question, I’d like to know, too. Watering Eyes is called epiphora. Epiphora occurs when there is an overflow of tears […]

Tax Season at Dr Tavel!

Tax season is upon us and everyone is trying to get their refunds in order. What are you going to spend that extra cash on? How about something you need? How about a new pair of glasses or new contact lenses that you have needed for a few months? Have you had your eye on […]

The Optical Dangers of Caffiene

National Glaucoma Awareness month is almost over, but it is important to know all of the risks associated with glaucoma. Did you know that drinking three or more cups of coffee per day can increase your chances of having glaucoma by up to 34%? Specifically women with a history of glaucoma in their family had […]

Carrots, Vitamin A, and Your Eyes

I spend a fair amount of time discussing Eye Health with people at local health fairs. Everyone always asks: Are carrots actually good for your eyes, or was my mom lying? Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a strongly colored red-orange pigment that is abundant in plants, fruits, and veggies. It gives carrots their rich, unique […]

Reduce Your Red Eye

My family took a lot of pictures this week at Christmas. A lot. Every possible combination of cousins, aunts, uncles, and siblings had their time in front of the camera. When I was going through cropping, I spent a fair amount of time editing out red eye. It probably would have been easier to stop […]

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