Keeping Eyes Healthy and Beautiful

Every girl has her makeup bag essentials. Mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner are usually a few of the basic eye cosmetic favorites. Although these items are a part of our daily routine, eye makeup can actually be a threat to your eye health if used improperly. Here are a few simple tips from Sioux City […]

Share and Win!

Summer is here and sunglasses are everywhere.  Had the same pair for years? Win a new pair for free from Dr. Tavel. Here is how it works:{{{image-2944}}} Share our new sunglasses ad on your Facebook wall and be entered to win a brand new pair of sunglasses for free. Terms and conditions: The promotion will […]

Summer Shades Keep Eyes Healthy

When is the last time a fashion statement was good for your health? Dr. Tavel’s new summer shades look amazing while protecting eyes from harmful UV rays. {{{image-2936}}}According to, risk of eye damage increases around water. Sparkling water at the beach or pool generates reflected light that puts you at a higher risk for […]

Summer Shades Save Sight

School is out, the sun is shining, and swim suits have surfaced from the bottom of your  dresser drawers. It is time to whip out the number one summer accessory, sunglasses! Not only are these top notch shades a fashion statement, they help keep your eyes safe and healthy. {{{image-2927}}}According to the American Optometric Association […]

Our Mission: Hylant’s Vision

Dr. Tavel and over 50 vendors participated in the Hylant Corporate Wellness Fair on May 30. Dr. Tavel employees spent the afternoon providing information for healthy living to the community. The goal of the fair was to help promote healthy lifestyles within corporate and work environments. Members of the local community and corporate businesses attended […]

Perfect Pair for the Perfect Dad Contest

Hey everyone! Do not let Father’s Day sneak up on you again. Enter our Perfect Pair for the Perfect Dad contest for your chance to win Dr. Tavel sunglasses. The sunglasses feature Purifier® polarized lenses which maximize UV protection, eliminate glare, and enhance clarity.{{{image-2887}}} Here is how it works: Go to Dr. Tavel’s Facebook wall and […]

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