What Exactly is Double Vision?
We have all heard of double vision, but what exactly is it and what should you do about it? Double vision (diplopia) is the perception of two images overlapping. This could be a sudden or ongoing symptom of a much bigger problem. What causes it? CooperVision identified three possible causes including weak eye muscles, myasthenia […]
Can Vitamins and Medications Affect Eyes?
In a world revolving around medications to cure anything that ails us, it is important to know the side effects. Vitamins and medications can both have positive and negative effects on our eyes. Allaboutvision.com says that taking vitamins A,C,E, and zinc can protect against diseases like macular degeneration. While taking vitamins may not necessarily improve […]
Why Buy More Than One Pair of Specs?
Why in the world would you need multiple pairs of glasses? There are actually quite a few reasons that could help you avoid sticky situations. Check out the top three reasons we think you should invest in multiple pairs of specs. Breaking or losing your new specs could be a surefire way to ruin your […]
Are You at Risk for Computer Vision Syndrome?
Could computer screens be affecting your eyes? According to the American Optometric Association, 70 percent of people who work on computers suffer from Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This rapidly developing condition is a group of problems associated with an abundance of screen time. Symptoms such as eye strain, dry eyes, or headaches can occur after […]
Holiday Checklist for Traveling Eyes
The holiday season is right around the corner and that means traveling is in your near future. Packing all those sweaters, gifts and goodies can leave your head spinning. Before beginning this season’s travels, be sure to check off everything on this eye-conscious checklist. Eye Drops According to Woman’s Day magazine, airplane air quality is […]
First Eye Exam: When Should Your Child Get One?
At what age is it necessary to take your child to see an eye doctor? According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), babies should have their first eye exam at 6 months of age. Following this initial check-up, an additional eye exam should be performed at age 3 or before the first grade. Visual acuity and […]