Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome with 20/20/20 Rule
Spending more than two hours a day looking at a computer screen can put you and your family at risk for computer vision syndrome (CVS). Symptoms such as headaches, eyestrain and double vision may arise after spending a prolonged amount of time working on a computer. Experts suggest the 20/20/20 rule to help avoid CVS. […]
Need an Excuse to Splurge on Sunglasses?
After a recent trip to the store, I noticed swimsuits are already for sale. It is hard to remotely imagine warm weather in this frozen tundra, but it got me thinking about my summer wish list. Need three reasons to splurge on sunglasses? Here you go! 1.Your eyes are exposed to UV rays 365 days […]
Which Medications Can Have Negative Effects on Eyes?
It is easy to completely ignore the spokesperson racing through side effect information during commercials, but that quick snippet may be the most important part. According to UnitedHealthcare, many pharmaceutical drugs can have negative effects on our eyes including anti-anxiety, allergy and anti-depressant medications. Claritin, Zyrtec and Prozac are just a few of the medications that […]
Hyperopia Defined in Simple Terms
In previous blog posts we have talked about the struggles with myopia , but what is hyperopia? Hyperopia is another term for farsightedness which means close objects are difficult to see. Those who are farsighted see things at a distance more easily than they do up close. If you are farsighted, close objects may appear […]
What is Dry Eye Syndrome?
When you think of the term “dry eye”, does your mind go straight to that old “Clear Eyes” commercial? Mine sure does. In case you aren’t familiar, check out the video below. Of course, buying eye drops from the drug store seems like a quick fix to dry, irritated eyes, but could there be a […]
Preventative Health Measures Include Eye Exams
Preventative health measures are very important for you and your family. Your eye health can be a big part of your preventative health routine. So, how often should you schedule an eye exam? According to VSP.com, you should have an eye exam once a year for preventative measures. While eye exams do detect vision problems, […]