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Fact or Fiction: Which Eye Care Statements are True?

How do you know which wives’ tales about vision are fact and which are fiction? came up with a great article outlining myths and facts about sight. Here is a quick synopsis of my favorites. “Sitting Too Close to the TV Will Damage Your Vision” Fiction: This old wives’ tale was a tool to […]

Pink Eye at the Winter Games

olympic rings

The Winter Olympics have begun and skiing, snowboarding and ice skating have become the world’s past time. If you have been watching the Winter Games, you may have noticed something is a little off with the host, Bob Costas. It seems pink eye has struck, leaving him with a swollen and painful eye. Pink eye […]

Do Carrots Improve Vision?


We’ve all heard the old wives tale about how carrots are good for your eyes. But is there actually any truth behind that statement? The answer: yes and no. Saying that something is good for your eyes doesn’t necessarily mean it does anything for your vision. Carrots are good for eye health, but they will […]

Three Reasons Anti-Reflective Coating is a Good Idea

Sometimes it is difficult to know what is worth splurging on when it comes to glasses. Which upgrades are worth the extra bucks? After getting my first pair of glasses from Dr. Tavel, I would say anti-reflective coating is a must. According to, anti-reflective (AR) coating eliminates reflections of light from the front and back […]

Eye Trouble Can Strike at Any Moment

Once in awhile our eyes can be bothersome or irritated, but how do you know when a minor problem becomes serious eye trouble? put together a list of serious symptoms of eye trouble that warrant immediate attention. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should pay a visit to your local optometrist […]

Should You Consider a Multifocal?

If you are like my dad, you are probably using one pair of glasses to help with distance vision and another pair to help with closer activities like reading. Instead, investing in a multifocal lens may be a better option. While the multiple-pairs-of-glasses method can work for the time being, you will eventually want to […]

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