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Exercise Your Eyes

Today’s modern lifestyle places great demands on our eyes. For the majority of us, eyes that are focused on a computer screen, tablet, smart phone or television for long hours have to adapt to different contrasts and levels of brightness. Up to 30,000 times a day! No wonder we sometimes suffer from red, itchy, and […]

Are those your real eyes? Only your eye doctor knows the truth

different colors of eyes

  Colored contact lenses are very common in todays society, and have always raised the question of, “Are those your real eyes?” Even in the early years of colored contacts, there was a saying in the optical industry, “Only your eye doctor knows the truth.” There are those that have naturally, unique colored eyes. Last […]

What If You Could See 100 Times More Colors?

rainbow eye

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see 100 times more colors? Can you imagine a world that is even more visually stimulating? A small percentage of people see the world in a depth of color that most will never experience. There is an extremely rare visual condition called Tetrachromacy. It allows […]

American Sniper

american sniper

American Sniper has been a major hit with a great performance by Bradley Cooper. How does it relate to eye care though? Did you catch Bradley Cooper sporting a fresh pair of Wiley X glases? If Wiley X frames are good enough for America’s Best Sniper, it may be time for you to check out […]

What Are Your Eyes Telling You?

eye doctor machine

Our eyes are more than just windows to the soul, they are windows to our health. High cholesterol is one of the many conditions that an optometrist can detected with an eye health exam. When you have high cholesterol, you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Over time, these deposits make it difficult […]

Children and Contacts

contact lenses

As a parent of two teenage, bespectacled children, it didn’t take long for my kids to inquire about transitioning from glasses to contact lenses. I had the same question most parents ask: at what age is my child ready to safely wear contacts? According to All About Vision, a child’s eyes can tolerate contact lenses […]

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