Improve Your Game with Purifier® Sunglasses

“It’s a high fly ball to centerfield. He’s at the warning track and reaches up …he dropped the ball!” I hate to hear a baseball announcer get wound up over a fly ball only to have the player drop it.

But what if the player’s error had nothing to do with his skill? What if his eye color caused the error? That is what some professional baseball players and coaches are questioning.

In spring training, Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Mark Kotsay dropped a soft fly ball because the ball disappeared into the glare of the sun. Indiana optometrists say light-eyed athletes who play during the day face increased obstacles as they battle the sun.

Texas Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton recently discovered that his light eye color could be a contributing factor to his decreased effectiveness hitting during the day rather than at night. With reduced sensitivity to contrast, he struggles to see the seams of the ball which makes it more difficult to identify the pitch headed his way.

Light-eyed athletes are finding their own unique ways to combat unwanted glare.  Hamilton has various sunglasses and contact lenses designed specifically to reduce glare. Bethanie Mattek-Sanda, tennis pro, wore eye black during Wimbledon.

Your Indiana eye doctor suggests Purifier® polarized lenses from Dr. Tavel for the best in sunglass protection. They allow you to see objects clearly even in the brightest sun. They are the only lenses that completely eliminate glare!

Next time you hit the field, be sure you’re sporting your Purifier® polarized lenses!

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