The Big Question:Right or Left?

{{{image-3480}}} Step 1

We all know if we are right-handed or left-handed, but do you know which one of your eyes is dominant?  Find your eye dominance in three quick steps.


Step 1: Place your index fingers and thumbs together as if you were about to catch a football. Then slide one hand underneath the other until  you have created a hole the size of an egg.




{{{image-3483}}} Step 2

Step 2: Focus on a small object about 15-20 feet away from where you are standing. Make sure to look at the designated object with both eyes through the egg-sized hole you have created with your hands.







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Step 3: Close one eye  at a time. When looking with your dominant eye, the object will still be visible in the center of your hands. When looking with the non-dominant eye, the object will no longer be visible and sight will adjust to a new focal point.


There you have it . You have officially tested your eye dominance… so now what?  According to, “Monovision, then, involves wearing a contact lens on the non-dominant eye to correct near vision, and a contact lens on the dominant eye (if needed) to correct distance vision. Monovision works because the brain is tricked into thinking that the contact lens is actually a part of the natural eye.”

Visit one of Dr. Tavel’s 19 convenient locations for an eye exam to explore your corrective treatment options.



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