5 Thanksgiving Foods That Promote Eye Health
Thanksgiving is one of the biggest food holidays of the year. Fortunately, a lot of traditional Thanksgiving foods are amazing for eye health! As you’re planning your holiday meal this week, make sure these Thanksgiving staples make it to your plate. 5 Thanksgiving Dishes To Boost Eye Health Put some color on your plate! When […]
Safety Tips for Driving At Night | Night Blindness
Driving at night is more dangerous, and with the days getting shorter in winter, people with night vision problems are at risk of accidents compared to the daytime. Struggling to see at night is fairly common, but a lot of people don’t seek out solutions, which can be dangerous, especially while driving. Some have considerable […]
Questions You Should Be Asking Your Eye Doctor
Preparing for your eye exam ahead of time can help you best understand your vision health. Here are some questions recommended by our doctors that you can consider when you visit Dr. Tavel. How often should I have an eye exam? Yearly checkups are recommended by your primary care doctor, and the yearly visit to […]
Eye Care Tips for Fall and Winter | Seasonal Allergies Relief
Whether you’re out enjoying the crisp Fall weather, or doing some deep cleaning before Winter sets in, seasonal allergies can trigger a lot of symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and of course – itchy or irritated eyes. Seasonal allergies are super common and are super annoying to deal with however, they rarely pose a threat to […]
How Blue Light Affects Your Eyes | What is Blue Light?
With the rising popularity of smartphones, tablets, and computer screens in our everyday lives, the prevalence of blue light has increased significantly. According to forbes.com, the average person will spend about 3,500 hours looking at a screen this year. With so much time spent looking at screens, our eyes are constantly being exposed to blue […]
How To Get Rid of a Swollen Eyelid | Causes and Treatment
Waking up to a swollen eyelid can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but thankfully there are some quick remedies that can resolve most symptoms in less than a week. There are several factors that can cause eyelid inflammation, but some of the most common causes are not threatening to your vision if treated properly. Common Causes […]