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World Sight Day 2010

Oct 14, 2010


Today is World Sight Day, a holiday of sorts in the optical world.  World Sight Day is a day to reflect and celebrate the progress made by optical groups and eye care doctors around the world helping give those in need of eye examinations and glasses and lenses the ability to see. It is a day of international awareness about blindness and its ability to be avoidable. It is also a day where eye care doctors like those at Dr. Tavel reflect on what else can be done to help even more people see in the future.

Eighty-percent of blindness can be avoidable (prevented or treated) which is the message and goal of Vision2020: The Right To Sight, a program organized by the World Health Organization and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness.  Vision2020’s goal is to eliminate preventable blindness by 2020 and this year marks the pivotal half-way point of the initiative.

Did you know that 4% of the world’s population is blind or vision impaired?  Eye examinations and eyeglasses in Indianapolis, across the nation and globe could transform the lives of over 670 million people according to Vision2020.  Our sense of sight is so very valuable and something we sometimes take for granted.

Imagine if you were losing your sight, could be cured, but could not find the help you need.  This is a reality for thousands of people across the globe to which Vision2020 and vision eye centers like Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care want to break.  The Countdown to 2020 (theme of this year’s World Sight Day events) is ON and together we can make a difference.

By donating your old glasses to any Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care office you are helping give sight to someone else in need helping to prevent avoidable blindness.  Each year Dr. Tavel donates hundreds of used glasses to help those in need.  If you have questions about donations please contact: [email protected]

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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