When you think of the term “dry eye”, does your mind go straight to that old “Clear Eyes” commercial? Mine sure does. In case you aren’t familiar, check out the video below. Of course, buying eye drops from the drug store seems like a quick fix to dry, irritated eyes, but could there be a more serious condition developing?
{{{image-4545}}} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcH-3d-BZn4Allaboutvision.com states, “Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye.” This lack of moisture can cause persistent scratchiness, burning or a decreased quantity of tears. The constant occurrence of these symptoms could warrant a prescription for medicated eye drops. Eye drops from a drug store can only alleviate the problem for a short time,but not for good.
Talk to your doctor about dry eye and your symptoms. Some doctors may perform a Schrimer test which measures the tear production in your eyes.
If you feel like you are suffering from chronic dry eye syndrome, stop by one of our convenient Dr. Tavel locations. We have 19 locations throughout Indiana to help keep your eyes healthy.