School is out, the sun is shining, and swim suits have surfaced from the bottom of your dresser drawers. It is time to whip out the number one summer accessory, sunglasses! Not only are these top notch shades a fashion statement, they help keep your eyes safe and healthy.
{{{image-2927}}}According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), sun exposure to unprotected eyes can result in a sunburn of the cornea and increased risk of cataracts. Sun damage can affect clear vision and, in worse cases, lead to blindness.Avoid risk factors with a sweet pair of shades that block out UV-A and UV-B rays. Sunglasses not only protect your eyes, they protect the skin around your eyes from sunburn.
Check out Dr. Tavel’s brand new sunglasses from $29.98 or get a second pair with your prescription for 50% off! You can find an assortment of new shades at one of our 19 locations.