Seeing the World through Green Colored Glasses

As the world places an even higher emphasis on lifestyles of health and sustainability, many people have adjusted their behavior to be more environmentally friendly, and Dr. Tavel is right there with them.
Minimizing our impact on the environment in many areas of our business has included implementing green initiatives from the manufacturing standpoint, to the sales environment, and even the medical aspect. Reducing energy use, using less paper, and recycling have become priorities in each of our 20 Indiana eye care locations.
The Dr. Tavel staff reduces energy use by ensuring all lights and electronics are turned off at the end of each business day, as well as regulating the temperature to make sure we don’t over use our heating and air conditioning when no one is occupying our offices.
To help protect our forests, Dr. Tavel has begun a transition to secure, online patient records. Instead of using countless sheets of paper, much of the documentation for each eye examination is recorded on the computer in our secure programs.
In the lab where our frames and lenses are assembled, Dr. Tavel has installed settling tanks that filter the water used in the manufacturing process. These tanks filter out granulated waste before ridding of the water to ensure that this sort of waste does not make its way into our sewer system, and thus into our environment.
Our favorite aspect of our “green” initiative is our recycling program. Dr. Tavel collects old glasses and lenses from patients and donates them to various non-profit organizations, such as the American Red Cross and Haiti Relief efforts. Our patients know that they’re welcome to swing by any time they’re in the neighborhood and drop off their old eyewear at their convenience.
We’re trying to see the world through green colored glasses!  Are you?
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