If you have ever had pink eye (also known as conjunctivitis), you know how awful the sticky, gooey infection is. And if you are a woman, you know how expensive it is to replace your makeup. If you want to avoid having to deal with pink eye AND having to replace your makeup, here are some easy precautions you can take:
- NEVER share eye makeup. Along the same line: avoid store samples. These samples are breeding grounds for conjunctivitis.
- Make sure your face and eyelids are clean before applying makeup.
- When applying, apply outside the lash line, away from the eye, to avoid blocking the oil glands of the upper or lower eye lid.
- Remove all your mascara before sleeping. Brush a sterile swab along the lash line. Keeping the lash line clean will allow your eyes to breathe, and not hold in infections.
- If you notice signs of an infection, itchiness, or redness stop using eye makeup immediately and do NOT touch your eyes.
- If the signs worsen, see your Indiana eye doctor and throw your makeup away.
Throwing away your make up may seem extreme, but you don’t want the infection returning after it clears up. It could have started up to a week prior to showing signs, so your make up brushes and applicators are most likely contaminated.
Follow these tips and your eyes will look and feel great!