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Play It Safe

Sep 1, 2011

Fall is just around the corner (despite the 90+ temperatures today in Indianapolis). College football kicks off this weekend and area high school teams have already hit the field.

In the midst of all the competitive chaos, it’s important that you don’t overlook a crucial component: eye safety.

Prevent Blindness America has deemed September as Sports Eye Safety Month. More than 40,000 people a year suffer eye injuries while playing sports. Sports-related eye injuries occur most frequently in baseball, basketball and racquet sports.

Your Indiana eye doctor suggests that you take the following steps to avoid sports eye injuries:

  • Wear proper safety goggles (lensed polycarbonate protectors) for racquet sports or basketball.
  • Use batting helmets with polycarbonate face shields for youth baseball.
  • Use helmets and face shields approved by the U.S. Amateur Hockey Association when playing hockey.
  • Know that regular glasses don’t provide enough protection.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to protect your eyes during Sports Eye Safety Month!

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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