Most Common Refractive Errors in Children

I’ve had a yearly eye exam for as long as I can remember. It’s especially important for children to have a regular comprehensive eye exam since focus, tracking, depth perception, and other aspects of vision continue to develop throughout early and middle childhood.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology shares three common refractive errors Indiana eye doctors see in children:

  1. Myopia (nearsightedness) – A myopic eye is longer than normal or has a cornea that is too steep, so that the light rays focus in front of the retina. Close objects look clear, but distant objects appear blurred.
  2. Hyperopia (farsightedness) – A hyperopic eye is shorter than normal. Light from close objects can’t focus clearly on the retina. Words on a page may seem blurry, or it might be difficult for your child to see well enough to do close-up tasks.
  3. Astigmatism (distorted vision) – Astigmatism distorts or blurs vision for both near and far objects. When you have astigmatism, the cornea curves more in one direction than in the other (like a football). A normal cornea is round and smooth (like a basketball).

It’s important to monitor your child’s habits and to alert your optometrist if you notice any unusual practices in your child. Scheduling an eye exam with Dr. Tavel is easy! Simply call one of the 20 convenient Indiana locations or schedule your appointment online.

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