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Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Beautiful

As ladies, we like to get glammed up with eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. While there is nothing wrong with showing off your gorgeous eyes, there are a few tips you should follow to keep your eyes healthy and beautiful.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests throwing away eye makeup after three months. Infection-causing bacteria grow easily in creamy or liquid eye makeup. If you develop an eye infection, immediately toss all of your eye makeup. This is why it’s also important to never share eye makeup. If you insist on sampling eye makeup in a store, use only fresh applicators and samples that haven’t been contaminated by other shoppers.

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Before applying makeup, be sure your face and eyelids are clean. If you have dry eyes, avoid metallic/glitter, powder or other makeup that flakes. Your Indiana eye doctor warns that glitter eye makeup is a common cause of corneal irritation or infection, especially in contact lens users.

Remove all eye makeup before going to bed each night. If you use eye makeup remover, don’t let it get in your eyes and rinse it from your eyelids.

Healthy eyes begin with an annual comprehensive eye exam from Dr. Tavel. An eye exam includes testing for glaucoma, cataracts, muscle balance, visual acuity, depth perception and much more. Keep your eyes healthy and beautiful!

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