Eyes on Camping: Holiday Run To Turkey Run

{{{image-468}}}My ongoing quest to experience new things and live up to my goal of, always staying interesting, led me Turkey Run on a camping trip over Labor Day weekend. I know you are asking yourself, “Is this really his first time camping?” and the answer is no, but I will say that it was my first time sleeping in a tent and ‘roughing it’ for a couple days as an adult.

Day 1 (blog 1 of 2)

The trip included my wife, and another couple who goes there every Labor Day weekend. They actually sold my wife on the idea, so I have to give her credit for part of the experience. We packed our clothes, our Dr. Tavel sunglasses and loaded up our cooler.  We also bought an air mattress, a couple of folding chairs, a flashlight, and borrowed a tent from our neighbors.  We left Indianapolis early Saturday morning. We arrived at Turkey Run which needless to say was packed full of campers and tents. Had we arrived any later, the campground may have be full, but we managed to find a spot.

After we set up our tents we gathered some brush and sticks to start a fire for lunch. While the fire was heating up, we did a meet{{{image-469}}} and greet with the other group of campers. To my surprise, when I mentioned working for Dr. Tavel, one of the guys said, “Dr. Tavel…I think I went there when I attended IU.  For a while that was my Bloomington eye doctor.”  He asked how large the organization was, and I told him that currently there are 20 locations, all of which have board certified Indiana eye doctors.  After exchanging conversation over a couple of drinks, we prepared chicken burgers over an open flame. My friend and I set up the baggo game (bag toss) while the women enjoyed drinks by the fire. We turned in early since we had a big day of hiking and canoeing ahead of us the next day.

Since I was in good spirits, it was easy for me to fall asleep inside of our tent, however, my wife stayed up all night because she kept hearing things. She woke me up in the middle of the night in tears saying that she wanted to sleep in the truck. Sleeping in the tent really scared her, and she vowed that she was “NEVER” sleeping outside again!

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