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Don’t forget your Sunglasses!

Jul 10, 2012

This past weekend in Indy, we tied for the hottest day of all time, 106 degrees! Everyone knows, along with the heat comes the steaming, hot sun.   Even though it can be painful to look into the sun, how bad is the sun for your eyes?

Well, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation can potentially cause cataracts and speed up macular degeneration by almost 25%. Most of this damage is caused before the age of 18, while children’s eyes are still developing.  Also, UV rays can cause pingueculae and ptergia, which are unsightly growths on the eyes that cause distorted vision.

How can you make sure to protect your eyes?  Wear sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays – this is the only sure fire way to protect your eyes.  Make sure to bring them on your tropical vacations because the closer you are to the equator, the more powerful the UV rays.   And cloudy days don’t always mean more protection: UV rays get through clouds because they are invisible radiation, not visible light.  In addition, UV rays reflect off of sand, water, and snow.  In the process, the rays can magnify up to two times their original strength, making it extra important to protect your eyes in these environments.

Dr Tavel’s Purifier Polarized lenses provide excellent protection against harmful UV rays.  In addition, they make everything clearer, brighter, and completely eliminate glare.  Where ever you are, Dr Tavel’s Purifier Polarized lenses can keep your family’s eyes safe in this hot summer!

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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