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Eye Trouble Can Strike at Any Moment

Jan 31, 2014

Once in awhile our eyes can be bothersome or irritated, but how do you know when a minor problem becomes serious eye trouble?

{{{image-4696}}} Photo put together a list of serious symptoms of eye trouble that warrant immediate attention. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should pay a visit to your local optometrist for an exam.

  • Floaters
  • Loss of vision
  • Eye pain or redness
  • Scratchy, irritated feeling
  • Blurriness or cloudiness
  • Flashes of light

Some of these symptoms can be harmless, but it is best to visit your doctor to prevent any harmful damage to your sight.

If you are in need of immediate attention please schedule or stop by one of our office locations for an exam.

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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