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Computer Vision Syndrome

Do you know what Computer Vision Syndrome is or what are its symptoms?  Most American’s don’t while many suffer from symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome here in Indiana and across the nation.  Vision doctors in a report said 1/3 of their patients suffer from Computer Vision Syndrome or have digital device related vision problems.  And this number is growing.

American workers are spending 200 billion hours in front of digital screens each year with an average of six hours a day for a working professional.  This is a lot of screen time for the eyes to focus on and thus eyes are becoming strained and tired from staring at computer screens and other screens like smart phones or video games.  Eye strain was the most commonly reported symptom from excess screen time followed by dry irritated eyes, fatigue, and headaches.

Most American’s have little understanding of what  Computer Vision Syndrome is and what the symptoms could mean.  Work productivity can decrease by as much as 20% with Computer Vision Syndrome and overall well-being and learning capacity can be altered for those suffering too much screen time.

We log a lot of screen time!  Learn how screens impact your vision.

How Do Computers Affect Your Eyesight?

Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates as well as other Indiana optometrists suggest the following to help with Computer Vision Syndrome symptoms:

  • Blink often.  When staring at a computer screen or any kind of screen we blink less allowing for eyes to become drier.  Start blinking more.
  • 20/20/20 rule.  When using a screen for long period of time, every 20 minutes take 20 seconds to focus on something 20 feet away!  This gives eyes a needed break.
  • As always, read in proper lighting.  Switch on a lamp mid-afternoon especially if light fades in your part of the office at that time of day to ensure your eyes can see and read all they need to.
  • Talk to your Indianapolis or Indiana eye care doctor about how much time you spend in front of a screen and be sure to get yearly eye examinations.

Now that you know about Computer Vision Syndrome, share with others to spread further awareness about the symptoms and ways to help your eyes feel less strain from the screen!

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