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Can You Reuse Daily Contact Lenses? 

Jul 5, 2023

Daily disposable contact lenses have gained popularity in recent years due to their ease of use and low maintenance. Many Dr. Tavel patients ask the following question: Can I reuse my daily contact lenses? The short answer: No. Daily contact lenses are designed to be worn for a single day and then discarded and reusing them actually negates their benefits. Here’s what you need to know about how long you can wear daily contact lenses and the risks to your eyes with improper use.  

What Happens If I Wear My Daily Contacts More Than Once? 

It’s tempting to consider reusing daily contact lenses to save money. However, contact lenses are medical devices that require proper care. Reusing lenses daily can pose serious risks to your eyes.
The longer you wear contacts, the greater the chance of accumulating bacteria, debris, and other microorganisms on its surface.  

Daily disposable contact lenses are made from a unique material that allows for maximum oxygen permeability and hydration, so they sit comfortably on your eyes. Lenses labeled as “daily disposable” are good for only one wear and they are not designed to be resistant to germs and other buildup that collects on the lens throughout the day. Reusing daily lenses means reintroducing these contaminants to your eyes, increasing the risk of eye infections such as conjunctivitis or corneal ulcers. In fact, a recent study found that 95% of subjects had at least one pair of contaminated daily contact lenses, after placing them back into a blister pack with solution overnight. The lenses were primarily contaminated with staph bacteria, which can cause pink eye and other infections.  

Additionally, the thin design of daily contacts makes them more susceptible to damage. Each time you remove and reinsert any soft contact lens, it undergoes wear and tear. Daily contacts are less resilient to cleaning and increase the risk of tearing or damaging the lens, which can result in discomfort, blurred vision, and corneal scratches. 

How Long Can I Wear Daily Contact Lenses? 

Daily disposable contact lenses must be discarded at the end of each day, even if you wear them for only a few hours. We understand it’s tempting to reuse daily contact lenses, but the potential risks to your eye health far outweigh any perceived benefits.  

The Benefits of Wearing Daily Contact Lenses 

One of the major benefits of daily disposable contacts is that they require very little maintenance. The thinner design makes them more comfortable to wear and offers a more breathable barrier for your eyes. Since you’re using a fresh, clean pair each day, the risk of eye infections decreases significantly.  

How Much Are Daily Contacts? 

While daily contact lenses sound pricey, they are more affordable than you think. The initial cost of an annual supply of daily contacts is usually higher than a monthly disposable lens, but you’d be saving money on contact lens solution. Also, many of our daily disposable contact lens brands offer sizable rebates, which can lower the cost of an annual supply of contacts to less than $1 a day.  Dr. Tavel wants to make any choice of eyewear more accessible, so we created our Sight Savings Club to help you see your best with contacts at the most affordable price. You can save up to $250 when you join our Sight Savings Club; learn more about all the amazing benefits here.  

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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