Avoid Eye Strain Triggers at Work

It seems nearly impossible to escape the TV screens, phone screens, and computer screens that  are constantly demanding our attention.  According to research, it may be a good idea to attempt to avoid these eye strain triggers.  More than 50 percent of people who work on a computer have symptoms of eye problems.  These screens can cause major eye discomfort and potentially headaches that hinder your ability to carry out your day as usual.

Check out these three tips from  Allaboutvision.com  to protect your eyes from the bad effects of computer screens.{{{image-3073}}}

  • Block out glare

To start, change the contrast and brightness on your screen to ease the  harsh effect on your eyes. If you are a glasses wearer, be sure to purchase anti-reflective or Clarifier® lenses. They absorb the glare from all angles and minimize the amount of reflection on the lenses. This allows you to see clearer and avoid eye strain.

  • Take a break

Find time to look away from your monitor about every 15 minutes. Giving eyes a break from focusing on a bright-lit screen can relieve some eye discomfort. It doesn’t have to be long, just take a second or two to stretch and refocus. Get a cup of coffee, make a trip to the water cooler, or take a quick spin in the ole’ office chair.

  • Get a complete eye exam

Last, but certainly not least, get a regular annual eye exam. Knowing your correct prescription is vital in alleviating computer eye strain. Visit a Dr. Tavel location at your convenience to keep your eyes healthy and safe.




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