The seasons are changing and, of course, that means your allergies are going to flare up again! Did you know allergies can be seasonal or perennial?
{{{image-3424}}} Photo courtesy: www.pharmapassport.comSeasonal allergies are caused by allergens in the air during the change of the seasons. These allergens come from grasses, trees, weeds and even the air.
Perennial allergies are an ongoing nuisance that can be caused by dust mites, pet dander or other substances. These can occur throughout the entire year, causing discomfort and irritation in the eyes. suggests three steps to avoid allergy symptoms in the eye.
- use artificial tears
- place a cold cloth on the eyes
- avoid your allergy triggers
If these treatments do not work, visit a convenient Dr. Tavel location and your doctor can help you find a more effective solution.