2010 Year of MLB, iPad, Vision Walk, Eye Do Eye Don’t And More!

The countdown to 2011 has begun and I can’t help but reflect on some of events that helped make 2010 such a great year.  Our Indianapolis eye doctors and Indiana eye doctors saw many patients this year helping them have clear and healthy vision.  At Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care we aim to provide the best eyecare and best eyewear possible and in doing so we like to communicate with our patients and this year we created some fun ways to do so as well as other activities to give back to the communities we serve.

One of the several promotions in 2010 was the Major-League Baseball Promotion where we gave out MLB tickets to lucky patients who entered to win by simply submitting their email addresses in our offices or online. This was for lack of better words, a grand slam!  By sharing your email address with us we are better able to communicate with you about new products, promotions, and other optical news.  We had patients cheer on the Cincinnati Reds, the Chicago Cubs, and the St. Louis Cardinals this baseball season.  Congrats to the winners!

Barbara of Greenwood won the iPad!

Another 2010 promotion was our review campaign with an iPad give-away. In an effort to gain feedback from our patients and to improve our patient experience we held the Dr. Tavel Review program.  For submitting a review of their eyecare experience at Dr. Tavel patients received a $10 Taveler’s Check (gift certificate) and was entered to win an iPad.  Recently one lucky

Other big events in 2010 were the Vision Walk, Backpack Attack, Holiday Food Drive and the Adopt-a-Family for Christmas, all of which were ways of giving back to the community and showing how Dr. Tavel loves to gives back.  Thanks to patients who donated to these great causes!

2010 was also the year for “Eye Do Eye Don’t” as Katie and I debated back and forth about optical do and don’ts as well as other social issues and trends.  See what we debated in 2010 by going HERE.  We love ideas to debate in the future so please share with us on our Facebook page.

And still into 2011, tell us where your Tavel’s have Traveled?  More information HERE.  Show us where you have been in your eye wear with a photo and a lucky patient will win a digital camera for their next trip! 

Happy 2011!

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