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21 Years of International Service

Apr 15, 2011

Dr. Ball can typically be found at the Dr. Tavel office in Bloomington, Indiana. But if you’re looking for him the last week of February, he won’t be there. He’ll be 1,700 miles away.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Ball

For the last 21 years, Dr. Ball has served in Honduras with VOSH: Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity.

Earlier this year Dr. Ball joined a group of 50 optical professionals from around the world for a week in Honduras. The group provided eye drops and glasses to 3,335 patients in a small village outside San Pedro. San Pedro, Honduras is the second largest city in the Central American country with a population of over 800,000 people. The group was housed in the city and took buses from the hotel each day to visit the remote village. Dr. Ball estimated that in the last 20 years, the group has visited 13 different villages. After the daily clinics, the group enjoyed dinner and dancing in the evening.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Ball

Dr. Ball enjoys seeing his friends from Honduras each year he visits. He first got connected with VOSH after speaking to the organization’s president at a seminar. “I enjoy helping the people,” Dr. Ball said. “It’s good to give back. Plus, the people are so friendly and so appreciative.”

In his 30 years with Dr. Tavel, Dr. Ball has displayed a commitment not only to his patients in Indiana, but to serving those around the world.

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