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Glare is Everywhere

Aug 16, 2011

Whether you’re driving the kids to soccer or busy at the office, glare hinders your visual performance.

In the office, your eyes are subject to glare from windows, computer screens and fluorescent lighting on a daily basis.  Anti-reflective coating on your lenses helps reduce the headaches, blurred vision and irritated eyes that result from visual fatigue.  Since I work at my computer most of the day, anti-reflective coating helps me see more comfortably.

Have you ever been driving at night and had oncoming headlights practically blind you?  Indiana eye doctors say driving without anti-reflective coating can be dangerous!  Objects in your peripheral vision can be harder to see which can slow down your reaction time.  A wider field of vision and better contrast sensitivity make anti-reflective lenses essential for driving.

Not only will you see better with anti-reflective coating, but your lenses look better.  Lenses coated with anti-reflective coating resist the normal scratches and smudges that come from everyday wear and tear.

Schedule an eye exam with Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates and ask how anti-reflective coating can help you see clearly!

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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