Are E-Readers Okay for Your Eyes?

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You’ve probably seen electronic readers pop up all over lately. I wouldn’t mind getting one as a birthday present this year (wink, wink). But I’m wondering how reading on the screen will affect my eyes. I surely don’t want to be sitting in front of a computer screen anymore than I need to.

If you spend a significant amount of time starring at a screen (on your smart phone, computer or e-reader), you may suffer from computer vision syndrome (CVS). You might notice headaches, blurred vision, and eyestrain.

To prevent CVS, look for e-readers with electronic ink which has sharply defined type and is easy on the eyes. These types of devices compare most closely to reading on actual paper. Some versions have a backlit LCD screen, similar to a computer monitor. Your Indiana eye doctor recommends having a lamp on nearby even though those devices generate their own light.

No matter what, don’t forget the 20/20/20 rule! Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

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