Dr. Tavel Participates in the Marion County Health Fair

This weekend Dr. Tavel is teaming up with the Marion County Health Fair to ensure kids’ eyes are healthy and ready to get back into the school routine.


The Marion County Health Fair provides screenings, health information, and immunizations to keep the public in charge of their health. Dr. Tavel is providing eye screenings to kids in the area who may need glasses before classes are back in session.

If you are a Marion County resident, stop by and check us out at this big event! Don’t forget  to grab a fun little goodie bag on your way out. You  never know what may be inside…

Here are the details:

What: Marion County Health Fair

When: August 3rd  8a.m. – 12 p.m.

Where: Marion County Public Health Department

Why:Get Ready for Back –To-School!


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