What is Presbyopia?

We have all seen it before, individuals holding their phones, newspapers, and mail as far from their eyes as possible in an attempt to see clearly. There comes an inescapable point in life when sight begins to blur while doing the simplest of activities. This is the presbyopia stage of life.

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What is presbyopia? According to allaboutvision.com, presbyopia is a condition that is “believed to stem from a gradual thickening and loss of flexibility of the natural lens inside your eye.” This is caused by the natural ageing process and the breakdown of elasticity in the eye, making it difficult to focus on faraway objects.

So how do we fix the situation? There are a couple different options to keep your sight sharp and arms. Bifocals and reading glasses are two popular options. Bifocals are usually worn all day while reading glasses are typically taken on and off .

If you begin to notice blurry or fuzzy vision, visit one of Dr. Tavel’s convenient locations to discover your perfect solution to presbyopia.

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