Waking up to a swollen eyelid can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but thankfully there are some quick remedies that can resolve most symptoms in less than a week. There are several factors that can cause eyelid inflammation, but some of the most common causes are not threatening to your vision if treated properly.
Common Causes of Swollen Eyelids
A stye is an infection located in the eyelid that causes redness, eyelid swelling, and slight pain or tenderness and is caused by a bacteria that can live in the base of an eyelash or in oil glands within the eyelids. Styes are contagious, but most people have stye causing bacteria in their body already. The main risk is usually limited to passing it from one eye to the other. Styes will typically heal on their own in a few days. Using a warm compress can help speed up the healing process.
A chalazion is a swollen lump on the eyelid caused by a clogged oil gland but isn’t usually painful like a traditional stye might be. Warm compresses can help, but a chalazion might need to be treated by a doctor with medications. It’s always best to consult your doctor if a swollen eyelid does not improve after a few days.
Blepharitis is a recurring eyelid inflammation in which the eyelids become red, itchy and flake like scales can develop on the base of the eyelashes. You can lessen the likelihood of blepharitis with good hygiene. Frequently washing your face, using warm compresses and gently massaging the eyelids to loosen any blocked oil glands can help reduce irritation and prevent it from recurring.
The skin around your eyes is super sensitive. If you are experiencing eye irritation or eyelid swelling, consider what products you are using or what allergens might be causing a reaction. Certain cosmetics, facial wipes or eye drops can cause inflammation. Airborne allergens like pollen and dust can also lead to puffy eyes as well. Consult your doctor if these symptoms worsen or become unmanageable, anti-histamine eye drops or steroid-based medications might help lessen those allergic reactions.
Quick remedies for a swollen eyelid
For eyelid inflammations, these quick tips can help prevent infection and improve most symptoms.
- Wash hands regularly and avoid touching the affected eye. Conditions like styes are contagious, and you risk it spreading to the other eye with excessive touching or rubbing.
- Apply a warm compress multiple times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.
- Wash bedding and towels often and when you notice symptoms.
- Avoid lotion or other cosmetics near the swollen eyelid
- Eye drops can help combat eye dryness or flush out any irritants
If conditions don’t improve over a few days, consult your doctor for recommended treatment options.